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Frank Stronach

Frank Stronach, the founder of a company worth approximately $3 billion, has been accused of sexually assaulting 10 different complainants between 1977 to 2023. Stronach is facing 13 different criminal charges including 8 counts of sexual assault. At least 6 of those charges are what is termed “historical sexual assault.”  The term “historical sexual assault” refers to sexual

Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault Charges

A statute of limitations restricts the time period that the police have to lay charges on an individual. There is no statute of limitations in Canada for accusations of sexual assault. In Stronach’s case this allowed police to press charges 26 years after the alleged assault occurred. 

Since the #metoo movement, there is an influx of complainants alleging they have been sexually assaulted in the past. In 2017 there was a 32 percent increase in sexual assault investigations. The Calgary sex crimes unit reported that they had laid doubled the number of sexual assault charges than they had the previous year. The political climate makes it difficult to discern between legitimate allegations and false allegations that may stem from false memory, rejection, attention, money, custody battles, etc. 

With no statute of limitations in place and the increase of sexual assault charges on individuals, no person is safe from being accused of a historical sexual assault. 

What defences are available against a historical sexual assault allegation? 

Your defence against a historical sexual assault allegation will be rooted in the credibility and/or reliability of the complainant. If the complainant is not credible or reliable, the Crown prosecutor cannot prove you committed the alleged sexual assault

The credibility of the complainant could be assessed by whether they have a motive to fabricate. Common motives that complainants have include: 

  • Rejection
  • Attention
  • Money
  • Custody battles

The reliability of the complainant refers to how accurate their testimony is. Historical sexual assault defence may not be reliable based on: 

  • False memory
  • Poor memory
  • Inconsistencies in their testimony 

Our team at Roulston Urquhart Criminal Defence Lawyer Calgary is experienced in thoroughly cross-examining complainants to reveal their true motive and pointing out any inconsistencies in their allegations. We leave no stone unturned to prove your innocence. 

What do I do if I’m accused of a historical sexual assault? 

If you are being investigated or charged with sexual assault, contact Roulston Urquhart Criminal Defence immediately, sexual assault defence lawyer experts, so we can start strategizing your defence. Here are steps you can take to help us prepare your defence: 

  • Save all forms of communication you had with the complainant including snapchat, text messages, and emails. 
  • If the allegation is initially made via text or social media seek legal advice immediately to craft a response. 
  • Do not contact or apologize to the complainant in hopes of “fixing it.” 
  • Keep a record of all interactions that you had with the complainant. 
  • Create a list of all possible witnesses. 
  • Do not say anything about your interaction with the complainant to anyone except your sexual assault lawyer. 
  • Remember, anything you say can be used against you in court including statements you give to others or to the police explaining your side of the story. 

We understand the severity of sexual assault charges in the #metoo era and how these allegations can affect your life, family, and job. We will walk you through exactly what to do and what to expect step by step so that you are not alone in this overwhelming and scary process. 

What to do if you are charged with Sexual Assault?

If you are charged with sexual assault, it is crucial to seek immediate legal counsel from an experienced criminal defence lawyer in Calgary. The sooner you get legal advice, the better your chances of building a strong defence, contact your experienced sexual assault lawyer Calgary.

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